Now on Apple Books!
Now on Apple Books
It was a steep learning curve from start to finish. The book is now up on Apple Books and becomes available on Saturday, December 18, 2022. Everything in the world of self-publishing is new to me and I would love to find a real book deal, but I don’t have the time to both do that and write and still advise other companies.
I’ve got to admit, when I finally hit the submit button to go live with the book I was a bit rattled. I felt like I did the first time I stepped on stage to play drums in front of a live audience at a nightclub. I was in my early teens at the time, and terrified! I found myself pacing a bit until I became aware that I was doing it. It was hard to get any sleep.
This book won’t be for everyone either. I never intended that. It’s irreverent in places, and sometimes even crude, but it’s how entrepreneurs talk to each other and as I was writing it, I kept imagining us sitting around the dinner table talking about this stuff and what I learned.
I’m sure, like everything else I do, there will be some who criticize it, but writing this is like taking that big entrepreneurial leap and sometimes we land on our feet and other times we don’t. If I’m going to splat, I’m going big air! I hope you enjoy reading it.